New Documentation Website

I'm happy to announce that there is a brand new Documentation Website for Insomnia! The new site is built using HelpScout Knowledge Base, which was chosen for two reasons. (1) Insomnia was already using HelpScout to manage support email, and (2) it solved three of the major shortcomings of the old documentation site with no extra development effort.

Lower Maintenance Friction 📝

Creating and updating help docs on the old system was not easy. It required creating or editing markdown files in a text editor, syncing changes with Git, and deploying a new release. This meant simple things like fixing a typo could take upwards of ten minutes. And don't even get me started on how hard it was to add screenshot images.

With the new system, all editing is done online. This makes creating, organizing, and managing help articles a breeze and should dramatically increase the quality of documentation in the future. Also, uploading screenshots is as simple as dragging or pasting an image into the editor.

Better Discoverability 🔍

HelpScout's Knowledge Base tool is specifically designed for hosting documentation so it comes bundled with many features that help improve discoverability. The main one being search.

Documentation Search

If you visit the main website, you will also notice a help beacon at the bottom-right of every page. This beacon gives the ability to quickly search and view help articles and provides the option to send an email if more assistance is required.

Search Analytics 📊

With the old documentation site it was possible to tell what the most popular existing articles were, but it was impossible to tell which help articles didn't exist yet that should be created. This is where search comes in. Search terms that yield no results can effectively be treated as a to-do list for documentation.

In fact, less than a day after launching the new documentation site, there were many failed searches for graphql. So, I put together an article on Using GraphQL in less than an hour and published it that same day!

Search Analytics


It's been less than a week since the new Documentation Website has been live but it's already having a positive effect. The reduced editing friction has already improved the quality of articles and I already have a growing list of new articles that need creating.

I hope you all enjoy the new and improved documentation site and please feel free to reach out with any feedback or questions you may have!

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