GitHub API Authentication using OAuth 2.0

This post is part of the tutorial series

OAuth 2.0 has been a supported authentication scheme in Insomnia for some time now but – if you are new to OAuth – can still be quite complicated. This post walks through an example using OAuth 2.0 to authenticate and create a repository on GitHub using the GitHub API.

If you don't already have a GitHub OAuth application registered for your account, you can create a one from Developer Settings Note, "Callback URL" can be whatever you want for this tutorial.

Gathering OAuth Credentials

The GitHub API uses the OAuth Authorization Code grant type, which requires five things from you. Note that you don't need to know what a grant type is to follow along.

Client ID, Client Secret, and Callback URL: : These are specific to the GitHub OAuth application and can be found on its details page. The Callback URL is often optional but we're going to specify it anyway in the name of completeness.

Authorization URL and Access Token URL: : These are static values, listed on the GitHub API Docs. As a convenience, Insomnia will autocomplete these while you type them and I will also include them here:

This following step is optional, but I recommend specifying the application-specific values as Environment Variables so they can easily be reused or modified. For my setup, I have created a sub environment called "Test Application" and included the following JSON value:

    "client_id": "fa122270cdf09954296d",
    "client_secret": "274e6d43420c73d9c89f52a4a99a9731e6bdb96c",
    "redirect_url": ""

Don't forget to activate your new environment in the sidebar after creating it

Now that we have everything we need, let's start setting up a request.

Setting Up The Request

Most read-only endpoints on GitHub don't require authentication (not very useful for demoing OAuth) so we'll be using the create repository endpoint for this demonstration.

To get started, open Insomnia and create a new request by the name of "Create Repository". Then, copy and paste the following curl command into the URL bar.

We're making use of Insomnia's import from Curl feature here to save on typing.

curl --request POST \
  --url '' \
  --header 'content-type: application/json' \
  --data '{
  "name": "insomnia-test-repo",
  "description": "Test repo for Insomnia tutorial"

You should end up with a request that looks like this.

Imported request

Setting up OAuth 2.0

If you sent the request now, before setting up authentication, you would receive a 401 Unauthorized response. This is because the POST /user/repos endpoint requires an OAuth token to be sent with the request. However, obtaining an OAuth token manually is not easy and requires multiple, complicated steps. This is where Insomnia into play.

Insomnia deals with the complex task of obtaining and managing OAuth tokens so you don't have to. You don't even need to understand how it works – although I still recommend you learn. 👩‍💻

Now, back to the request. Select the Auth tab of your "Create Repository" request and change the authentication type to "OAuth 2". After doing that, fill out the values you collected earlier. If you made use of environment variables, it should look something like this.

Fill out authentication settings

Congratulations! The request is now ready to be sent. 😄👏🤖

Sending the Request

Submitting the following request will create a new repository on your GitHub account. You can delete the respository from the GitHub website later.

As soon as you send the request, Insomnia will detect that a token has not yet been obtained and start the authentication process. You will be prompted to sign in with your GitHub credentials and authorize the OAuth application to act on your behalf.

Allow application access

After logging in, the token will be extracted from the resulting URL and stored in Insomnia. The request will then be sent using the newly acquired token. If all went well you should see a successful 201 Created response with information about your newly created repository.

Create repository response

Make use of Insomnia's response filtering by entering a JSONPath query such as $.owner.login below the response body

More About OAuth 2.0

Even though Insomnia handles most of the complexities of OAuth for you, there are a few notable things that may come in handy.

Viewing the Authorization Header

If you take a look at the Timeline tab, you will see the Authorization header that was sent with the request. The value of the header Bearer <TOKEN> contains the token that Insomnia extracted during the login process. This token will also appear in the Auth tab of the request, where you can either refetch a new token or clear the existing one.

Timeline view

Expiring Tokens and Refresh Tokens

Some OAuth 2.0 APIs make use of expiring tokens and/or refresh tokens. If the API token received has an expiry, Insomnia will show it at the bottom of the Auth tab. If a token expires, Insomnia will automatically try to refresh it when the next request. You can also trigger a refresh manually from the Auth tab.

Other Grant Types

OAuth 2.0 defines four grant types that can be used to fetch a token, each to facilitate different use cases.

  • Authorization Code
  • Implicit
  • Resource Owner Password Credentials
  • Client Credentials

Insomnia supports all of these grant types and will take care of all the complexities so you don't have to.

OAuth 2.0 has the ability for custom grant types, but these are not yet supported

Login Window Cookies

Currently, the OAuth 2.0 login window uses a single global session that is cleared on every restart of the app. That means, if you already signed in with one GitHub account, it won't need ask you again. However, this also means that, if you want to switch GitHub accounts, you will need to restart the app to clear the current session.


There have been a significant number of users asking for help with the OAuth 2.0 process. Hopefully this post was able to clear up some of the more common issues around the OAuth process. Even if you are not interacting with the GitHub API specifically, the information covered here will work for most other OAuth 2.0 APIs.

This post is part of the tutorial series

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