Insomnia Core 3.4.1

I want to start off by saying hello to everyone who found Insomnia on the front page of Hacker News! This update addresses some of the feedback received from over 200 email conversations.


Download for Desktop View on GitHub

Major Changes

  • XML response formatting
  • XPath and JSONPath filtering for responses
  • Workspaces now appear in the Quick Switcher
  • Hide the sidebar with ctrl+\\ (cmd on Mac)
  • Use template variables inside environments
  • Ability to beautify the request body for JSON or XML
  • Added button to cancel the current request

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed minor bug with Curl import
  • Querystring is now added to generated code (oops)
  • Can now re-open window via doc icon if closed (Mac)
  • HTTPS proxy now works again
  • Dragging sidebar dropdowns no longer triggers drag-n-drop
  • Global shortcuts (like sending request) are now prevented when dialogs are open

Minor Tweaks

  • Added ability to duplicate folders
  • Add extra prompt before deleting things
  • Added Nunjucks tags {% timestamp %} and {% uuid %}
  • Renamed Params tab to Query to avoid confusion
  • Improved response Raw view performance
  • Comments in editor are now more visible
  • Reduced update check frequency from 30 minutes to 3 hours
Thanks to all 0 contributors 🎉👏