Insomnia Core 5.12.1

Thanks to @lifewcody for helping debug large file downloads.

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Major Changes

  • Less obtrusive update notification

Bug Fixes

  • Fix environments disappearing during workspace duplication and sync
  • Support for downloading huge files (over ~2GB)
  • Fixed HAWK algorithm selection
  • Fix environment editor not saving immediately after fixing an error
  • Minor fix for Postman import

Minor Tweaks

  • Response timer always shows 1 decimal place (#617 by k-nut)
  • Ability to specify auto-update channel
  • Ability to disable auto-updates
  • Moved database to the Electron main thread
  • Use Google analytics API directly (no more external JS!)
  • Faster storing of large response bodies
  • Provide a convenient save button when large response gets hidden
  • Disable request body linting over 1MB
  • Add import/export APIs to plugin system
Thanks to all 0 contributors 🎉👏